Smile and Save the planet!

Post Apocalyptic movies,

an awareness of our future ???

I recently rewatched the movie The Matrix and I had quite a revelation hearing this from the mouth of Agent Smith : 
« Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to another area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. »
The first time i watched this movie, I was probably too young to even notice how accurate this can be.

 Don’t get me wrong,  I don’t think releasing a mortal virus to get rid of half the population on the planet (as in the movie Inferno) would be a solution, but we definitely have a lot to do to change our habits and heal the World
 (now you want to listen to Micheal Jackson right?)

The thing is, trying to find a conscious lifestyle is not just trendy those days, but really necessary as the Earth Overshoot Day gets closer every year. We have so many possibilities to help the world get better just by changing a few things in our lives such as the way we purchase, the way we wear, the way we throw away, the way we eat…

I think all of this depends on our education : if we were used to eat meat when we were young, to wear leather or fur, to go to the zoo, the way we managed our waste, if recycling was already a part of our day to day lives or not but most of all, it depends on how we care TODAY, how much we want to make a change , how ready we are to go green and stop this consumerist age we live in, for the future, for our children !

Now you have a better idea on which direction this blog is going to follow so if you are concerned about the animal rights, the pollution, the global warming, or just curious about how eco-conscious the Fashion industry can be (and it is a challenge for the second most polluting business after oil) , well you are in the right place !!!

Welcome to all of you !! 


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